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Meet Your Coach: Tatiana Lampa

about me branding fitness fitness and health fitness brand fitness career introduction new york city small business wellness Sep 06, 2023

Hey there!


It's been awhile since I've blogged and this is very exciting because this will live on my website! This will be the official home of where I will be sharing recipes, educational fitness and health topics and an insight in my life. 

 Okay here we go!


Hi I'm Tatiana Lampa. I'm from Queens, NY and I am a certified personal trainer, corrective exercise specialist and the founder and creator of the Training with T App and the Move Better program. I've been in the fitness industry for nearly a decade! I know, wow!

Let's do a quick back track on how I became a trainer and a fitness app creator.  

I went to school with the goal of becoming a physical therapist... the first female physical therapist for the Yankees *to be specific* I graduated with Nutrition and Exercise Sciences and took all my pre-med classes. I was college dance team dancer, balancing 3-4 jobs and working on my physical therapy hours. Let's say, I was a very busy girl. I look back at those days and think, "how did I do it all?!"


I didn't become a physical therapist. I became a personal trainer to save money for DPT school. My first gig was working at NYSC as a trainer. I didn't know that becoming a trainer would be my full time career, I strictly looked it as a "side gig." My cliente ranged from early 20's to senior citizen. A lot of my senior citizen clients came to me with their goal of bettering their lifestyle. I had one client in particular that change my outlook on my cute little side gig. She told me after 3 months of training together, "that because of you, I'm able to get up from the garden without any pain." That was it for me. I knew I can impact more people! I applied all my knowledge from my degree and physical therapy rehab exercises to my clients. I really focused on prehab, rehab and overall strength. I gave myself one year to build my name, brand and cliente so I can leave the commercial gym. Don't get me wrong, I learned SO much from that one year experience. And highly recommend anyone who is starting in fitness to explore that route first.


After that one year I went off on my own as an independent trainer in 2016, it may sound scary which at the time was a bit nerve recking but I went with my gut. I worked REAL hard on building my name, I was posting on Instagram and sharing all my clients workouts and progression that just skyrocketed my business. I decided to get into boutique fitness to reach more people and grow my clientele. I taught at SLT in Long Island, NY and look back at the training I had and have to say it was one of the best trainings. It helped me become a better instructor. 

I've always manifested that I would be a fitness model... the following year in 2017 I was recruited and signed to State Management! I couldn't believe it, my dreams were coming true. My first casting ever was with Adidas and I booked my first job!!! It was so epic. Throughout my fitness career I was balancing modeling and running throughout NYC to castings. (oh man those were the days)

I started my new job as a group fitness instructor at Fithouse. A new concept where there were different modalities of classes in one space. This might have been one of my favorite places to work. We had the best members who I still speak to to this day. I taught HIIT and strength classes. I then started teaching on the treadmill for Element by Performix, a new concept that was releasing. Teaching on the treadmill was very new for me and I really enjoyed that challenge and ended up loving it! During this time, we were in talks of opening a personal training gym in Long Island, which I was super pumped for. I was also approached to start my own fitness app in February 2020. You can probably guess how insane my schedule was then!


Here's a sample:

Wake up at 4:30 am 

Get to my first class to teach at 6:30am

Train my client down the block at 7:30am

Train with my trainer at 9am

Teach at 10:30am and 12pm

Do some admin work, eat lunch, nap or run to castings

Train my 3 and 4pm client

Teach at 6 and 7pm

Get home at 9 or 930pm 


And yes, I use to work 7 days a week for many years until I realized.. I was SO tired. So my goal was to have one day off and one other day a bit lighter. 


Then COVID hit March 2020 and the world shut down. I lost every single one of my jobs. I went from a fully booked schedule to actually being able to sleep until 7am.

I was thankfully blessed that I was already coaching clients worldwide online with my Move Better program so that was a quick and easy transition. Most of my in person clients were able to move online and I was working on building my online presence. I built out the Training with T App and it was released September 2020!!


After being full time online, I'm about 60% online and 40% in person. It's been 3 years of the Training with T App with clients all over the world, whom I love! I have my Move Better program and I'm back to teaching in person at Tremble Miami on the megaformer/x-former. 


There has been SO many great opportunities rosed during the pandemic. I was asked to be on Health Magazine March 2021 issue with a 3 page spread! SAY WHAT?!

The Training with T App was voted "BEST FITNESS APP for CHALLENGES" by Women's Health Magazine in 2021.

I was invited to be a speaker and presenter for NSCA in Colorado.

I have a spread on Women's Health Magazine September 2023 issue!!


Hard work never goes unseen. I truly pride myself on the work I've done and helping my clients be their healthier version of themselves as well as MOVE and FEEL better. 


There are moments when I think I will leave the fitness industry but as I write out my journey, I'm still in disbelief all the accomplishments I've achieved. I get to travel for my job, meet new people and share what I'm truly passion about. But I don't want to discredit all the hardships that I had to overcome that I did not include here. My journey is truly something else and I am SO proud of everything I've done so far!


My story continues on!

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